Jul 12, 2011

Dirty Gums Linked to Erectile Dysfunction

If you see Hugh Hefner hawking a tube of Crest toothpaste, maybe this is why: A new study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that periodontitis, a chronic infection of the gums and the main source of bad breath, may cause erectile dysfunction.

Researchers at China’s Luzhou Medical College noticed that rats with periodontitis had less of the enzyme eNOS, which is involved in achieving an erection. The study supports past research that shows gum disease is more common in guys with ED than men without it.

OK, so leaving the heat of the moment to grab your toothbrush might be subtler than popping a little blue pill. But is there really a connection between your mouth and your penis?

Maybe, maybe not. “Since periodontal disease is considered an inflammatory disorder, it may play a role in the progression of ED,” says Leonard G. Gomella, M.D., professor and chairman of the Department of Urology at Thomas Jefferson University. More research of human inflammatory issues is needed to better understand any association between periodontal and penile health.

Or, the disease may just be a marker for other issues previously linked to ED, like poor nutrition, diabetes, and heart disease, according to Donald S. Clem, DSS, president of the American Academy of Periodontology.

Regardless, don’t be so stiff when it comes to a clean mouth. If untreated, gum disease could lead to tooth loss—not exactly a turn-on. Your first line of defense: Twice-yearly dentist visits.

Want to beat bad breath for good? Gargle with nature’s mouthwash: green tea. Researchers at the University of British Columbia tested different strategies for eliminating bad breath and found that green tea was most effective at wiping out the germs and the volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) that cause stench mouth. (Guess what: Chewing gum and mints actually increased the amount of VSCs.)

While green-tea supplements were used in the study, iced green tea, like the bottled kind made by Arizona and Honest Tea, also contains some of the key odor-neutralizing antioxidants called catechins; just make sure you swish it around before swallowing.

—Additional reporting by Steve Calechman

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